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Obtain Webhook URL for Sending Message

  1. Go to the Discord server where you want to add the webhook.
  2. Click on the server settings icon (it looks like a gear).
  3. Scroll down to the "Integrations" section and click on the "Webhooks".
  4. Fill in the name and avatar for your webhook, and select the channel you want the webhook to post to.
  5. Click on the "Create" button.
  6. Copy the webhook URL that is generated. This is the URL you will use to send messages to the Discord channel through your bot.
  7. Make sure to keep the webhook URL private and only share it with trusted parties.
  8. Once you have the webhook URL you can use it in activepieces.


No supported triggers yet, please let us know if you need something on Discord so we can help out


Send Message Webhook